Privacy policy

Data collection

Data collected by Dirt Source or third parties is divided into several categories:
  • Data you provide
  • Data collected as you interact with our services
  • Data collected from third parties
  • Data collected by third parties

Data you provide

While using Dirt Source, we collect and store data you provide. This includes your email, phone number, first and last name, and company name. Additionally, we collect and store data about your projects including project address, project location coordinates, project details, requirements and requirement details (including material type, quantity, availability dates, and details), dates, and project contact information. We collect and store the requests you send and receive including the messages, timestamps, requirement details, accepted or declined state, and associated projects. We store user account settings that you provide. In short, any data that you enter, provide, or specify while using Dirt Source will be stored.

Data collected as you interact with our services

We collect data that you don't explicitly provide to us - this includes your IP address, locale information, and hardware or browser information. Additionally, we may collect usage information as you use our service including usage patterns, behavior, and more.

Data collected from third parties

Dirt Source uses third parties to provide some of our services. We may collect data generated or obtained from these third party services.

Data collected by third parties

Dirt Source utilizes third party services to power portions of our service's functionality. While you use Dirt Source, these third parties can and do collect information about you as outlined in their respective privacy policies. Primarily, Dirt Source uses Google and Twilio services for our maps and notification functionality. As you use Dirt Source, data is collected by these third parties and is governed by their privacy policy and operational procedures which are not under our control.

How your data is used

Dirt Source uses your data to provide services to you and others. This means that while using Dirt Source, your data is naturally shared with other users to provide our core functionality. Additionally, data we collect may be used to improve our service. We may share this data with third parties for purposes we see fit. Dirt Source cannot guarantee the security of your data. Cyberattacks and data breaches happen and the same common wisdom applies to Dirt Source also - do not post information that you do not want others to see. We will comply with local and government authorities should they request access to our services and data.

How your information is protected

Dirt Source attempts to implement best practices - data is encrypted over SSL and stored in a secure database. Dirt Source seeks to protect your data and secure our services according to industry standard best practices. However, humans make mistakes, so it is possible that our services may have security bugs or leaks that allow control or access to your data by third parties.

Longevity of your data

Your data may be stored on Dirt Source servers or third party providers for any period of time, even if you delete data within Dirt Source. Data may be stored or tracked in backups, log files, and other analytics collected as you use our service.

Privacy policy changes

We may change the privacy policy at any time without notifying you.

Controlling your data

You may request a report on all data Dirt Source is storing on you and you may request that your data be removed from our servers. We will do our best to remove your data from our services, but we cannot guarantee that all information will permanently removed for other users. Other users may have downloaded or saved your data, which we are unable to delete.

Asking questions

For any questions, please contact
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