Terms of service

By using Dirt Source or any of our services, you enter into a legally binding contract with Dirt Source.

Authorized audiences

To use Dirt Source you must be:

Material policy

Due to the nature of our service, Dirt Source connects users by matching user submitted material and project requirement information. Dirt Source cannot guarantee nor recommend the materials or information presented on our platform or services. We cannot guarantee the safety, legitimacy, authenticity, of any materials listed or discussed on our platform. By using Dirt Source and supplying raw or otherwise materials to our platform, you guarantee that they are safe, legally compliant, and truthfully described in our platform. You assume all responsibility for any harm, damage, or misfortune caused by the transfer or testing of your materials.

Content policy

You are strictly prohibited from submitting any of the following content to our app:By using our service, you agree to not submit any of the above data to our platform in any way. If you choose to do so, your account will be immediately terminated and you will be expelled from our service.

Who owns your content

When you submit content to Dirt Source, you agree to release any intellectual property or ownership of this content — it becomes the sole property of Dirt Source. By submitting content to Dirt Source, you agree to give us direct authorization and license to present and share this data without direct credit to you.

Our services

All Dirt Source services and applications are property of Dirt Source. You do not own them and agree to not use Dirt Source for non-intended commercial purposes. You may not redistribute any of our intellectual property (this includes our source code, branding materials, content design, and application design). By agreeing to our terms of service, you indicate that you will only use Dirt Source for its intended purpose of collecting scouting and analyzing scouting data through our authorized platform. You may not circumvent, probe, or analyze our infrastructure without explicit authorization to do so.

Respecting others

We respect the rights of our users and expect you to do the same. This means not sharing information about other users without their explicit permission, bullying, or harming them (either verbally or physically) in any regard. By using Dirt Source or our services, you agree to respect the rights of others - the right to privacy and the right to not be slandered, defamed, or deanonymized.


By using Dirt Source or any of our services, you agree that, with reasonable respect to the extent of the law that you will not find Dirt Source or any of our staff or affiliates legally, financially, or otherwise responsible for any harm or failings produced or caused by our users, services, or any other Dirt Source related products. You agree that we are not responsible for financial fees, attorney fees, or legal fees or responsible legally for any of your access, data, interactions, or usage of our services. You agree to not hold us responsible for charges, claims, losses, liabilities, or any other harm or misfortune that may come to you by using our app.

Your account & data

At any time, we may choose to permanently revoke access to your account or data if we find you in violation of our terms of service or for reasons we see fit.

The function of our services

We will do our best to keep our services running and functional. However, we can’t guarantee this. Our services may go down, break, delete all your data, and more. By using Dirt Source, you agree to use our software as is and not find us accountable in any way for it not working as you expect, intend, or as stated. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.


We reserve the right to change our terms of service and indicate our terms based off our expectations and what we find reasonable. In short - we aren’t responsible for anything you do with our app. Additionally, you agree to be responsible with the content you submit by following our content policy. Be nice, treat our users and us with respect.
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